How articulating the need in a Facebook ad impacts donations

Would ad creative that showcased the larger need around Thanksgiving lead to a difference in performance? 

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Why Should I Give?

Our latest study shows how Canadian charities are answering this critical “why,” and what they could do to improve.

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Big Mistakes, Unexpected Tests

Gather rough, it’s time for a tale of tragedy from my very first week as a fundraiser. Unfortunately, sometimes lessons are learned by making mistakes, really big mistakes. Because at the end of the day, it is impossible to know what you don’t know. 

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5 Tips to Increase Online Donations

Charities run on donations, and so in this digital age it makes sense that 94% of nonprofits accept online donations through their website*. With that many nonprofits and charities employing online strategies to seek donations, we see variability in what tactics are the most successful. However, there are a couple tips and tricks that nonprofits can adopt to see an immediate increase in donations.

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How to Create a Charitable Gift Guide

For better or worse, we live in a capitalist economy and with that comes the commodification of everything—even philanthropy. Value guides, also known as gift catalogues or gift guides, are an innovative way for nonprofits and service-based organizations to appeal to conscious consumers who want to give gifts that make a positive impact in the world.

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Frontier & Wisely Announcement

Frontier Marketing is plugging the power of artificial intelligence (AI) into its mission to serve charities that have a vision for fundraising growth.

Technology and staff from the AI-powered fundraising company, Wisely, have joined Frontier to bring further depth and nuance to donor management. With real-time insights, Wisely’s software analyzes donor databases and suggests which donors to connect with—who will give, how much, and when.

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CommunicationAnchor Marketing

How to Fundraise During a Recession

While experts decide whether we’re currently in a recession, an economic slowdown is upon us. And a poor economy presents real challenges for the charitable sector. Especially with some organizations still reeling from the pandemic, and most grappling with skyrocketing costs on everything from paper and postage to staff and rent.

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Are you missing out on support from those who love you most?

Legacy giving is the largest gift most Canadians will ever be able to make. After their family is taken care of, many people feel proud to be able to continue to support the causes that mattered to them during their lifetime as part of their estate plans. And, as you can imagine – estates that include property in cities with real estate booms can result in a sizeable gift from a donor who may consider themselves modestly middle class…

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Ben Johnson

Too grown for the Spork Tech Stack?

The spork. You know it. It's found a place in our world, our culture, and in your heart. You've used it, also. In fact, we have two or three in my home that my five-year-old daughter uses from time to time -- even if sometimes she requests a "real fork" to get the job done.

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Anchor Marketing

How to Improve Your Donor Stewardship

Before diving into best practices and how to make them work for you, let’s step back and look at what stewardship is. Simply put, donor stewardship is your charity’s efforts to take care of your donors and be good stewards of their gifts. It starts when a gift is made and lasts through a donor’s journey with your charity.

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Anchor Marketing

How a Nonprofit CRM can solve 3 big challenges

This article is for you if your story sounds a little bit like this… You devote your time to a non-profit that has a simple, but ambitious mission. Somewhere along the way, you’ve been surprised by the amount of administrative work that comes with your time at the organization. The time you have available for the mission starts to slip out of your fingers and into administrative tasks. In fact, it may start to feel like the mission of doing good has morphed into a mission of maintaining spreadsheets and filing systems.

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Ben Johnson